Showing 73–81 of 104 results

  • F1 TSCH-1069

    Dark green colour fruit, Avg. fruit length 14-16 cm, AFW 120-140 gm, 1st picking 35-40 days after sowing, High yielding Hybrid.

  • F1 TSHC-2244

    High Pungency, Excellent Red & Green fruit quality, Plant Type Strong erect plant, Fruit Colour Dark green at fresh; Red shiny at dry, Fruit Length, 7 to 8 cm, Fruit Breadth 1 to 1.2 cm, Maturity 55 to 60 DAT.


    VAJRAM High yielding Variety Strong branches. Freshness calices soft skin, 1st harvest 55days after sowing. Easy fruit picking, fresh market use. Virus and heat tolerant. Plant Type Tall erect plant.

  • F1 VARUN-04

    VAJRAM High yielding Variety Strong branches. Freshness calices soft skin, 1st harvest 55days after sowing. Easy fruit picking, fresh market use. Virus and heat tolerant. Plant Type Tall erect plant


    A very highly pungent attractive dual purpose chilli
    hybrid which is easy to pick and bears uniform length
    fruits of 9 ? 10 cm long and 0.8 ? 1 cm diameter. Fruit
    surface has moderate wrinkles.

  • F1- ASHIKA?-39

    Day to first picking 50-55 days, plant vigour, Strong vigorous vine, colour attractive light green, fruit length 20-22 cm, fruit girth 2.5-3 cm, weight 110- 120gm. High yield Potential.

  • F1- SILVER?-1061

    Habit Slightly open plant. Maturity 60-70 days after transplanting. Colour Creamy white. Wt 1 to 1.5 kg. Good self covering ability.

  • F1- SRIVALLI-21

    Day to first picking 45-48 days, plant vigour, Strong vigorous vine, colour glossy dark green tender fruits, fruit length 24-26 cm, fruit girth 2.5-3 cm, weight 110- 120gm. Good for transport & excellent keeping


    Bush type plant, Light green colour pods, Light green foliage, length 40-45 cm, Good vigour, Very high yield with excellent test.

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