

Showing 1–9 of 16 results

  • F1 ARORA

    Semi-erect and Strong plant structure. Suitable for fresh & Dry purposes. Fresh fruit starting from 45-50 DAT in Kharif season. Fresh green picking interval 8-10 days. Length * Thickness: 9-10*1 cm. Green and deep red. High Pungency

  • F1 Kantara

    Resistance hybrid, New Chilli Hybrid Highly Tollerence

  • F1 Legacy- 99

    Plant type semi erect with good vigour Fruit, colour
    dark green, length 9 ? 10 cm, 0.8 ? 0.9 cm, surface
    medium wrinkled, Maturity fruit colour deep red high
    Segment dual USP Tolerance to virus & easy to picking

  • F1 MALAVIKA-99

    Plant habit medium tall, Bushy Plants having vigorous growth, maturity 50-55 days after transplanting. Fruit size 9-11 cm. Wt. 170-180 gm. Fruit wall thick. Colour Dark green, uniformly blocky.

  • F1 SUNNY-228

    Plant Height 92-95 cms, average fruit length 13-14 cms, fruit girth 1-1.3 cms, pungency moderate, strong vigorous erect plant. Excellent fruit bearing. Attractive shinny light green more winkle on fruits.

  • F1 SURABHI-245

    Parrot green, Smooth, Shiny, chilli Variety, Length, 12- 16 cm length, 1.2-1.4 cm width, High Pungency, Very good heat set hybrid. Early hybrid with short picking interval. High pungent 50 to 55 days


    Plant height 85-90 cm, avg. Length 15-16 cm, girth 1.3-1.5 cm, Pungency Highly pungent, strong with vigorous plant. Attractive shiny dark green with smooth fruits which turn into bright red colour after maturity. Excellent dry red quality & more dry weight

  • F1 TRUEGEN-4043

    Robust and erect plant habit. Excellent plant vigour Long and thick fruits. Low Pungency (15000 SHU) Uniform drying, high circular wrinkle. Very good red dry Color-(171Asta) Good Yield-1.5 to 2 MT/acre in Red dry.

  • F1 TRUEGEN-455

    First Picking:40 – 45 Days (Green) 85-90 Days (Red) Plant Habit. Spreading fruit, Fruit Lenght 12 – 14 Cm, Fruit Diameter:1.2 – 1.4 Cm, medium Pungency,Dry chilly byadgi, wrinkle drying dark red color

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