

Showing all 9 results


    Bush type plant, Light green colour pods, Light green foliage, length 40-45 cm, Good vigour, Very high yield with excellent test.


    Pole plant type. Desig segment. Attractive green in
    colour, 7-9 cm long, round pod with construction,
    pods 10-12 per inflorescence. First picking at 60-65
    days. Sowing time: Kharif: July-August and Rabi:
    September – November.


    Pole type, Indeterminate plant with twining habit, Pod light green, Length 50-55 cm, Very tender, Fleshy & sweet in taste, Good vigour, High yielding suitable rainy & mid winter.

  • NAGMA-55

    Dark green shiny, round medium long podsFirst picking at 48-50 days (DOS)Dwarf & Bushy plantDeterminate plant type & vigorous growthYield potential : Very GoodSowing Season: Kharif : JulyAugust & Rabi : September-November

  • NEELAM – 51

    Growth habit Erect and single stem plant with fruiting in cluster. First picking around 45 days. Pod color attractive green. Pod length 10?12 cm. Fruit character Slim, long, shiny fruits. India?s highest selling variety.


    Pole type, Indeterminate plant, Pod green, Thin fleshy, Pod length 50-55 cm, Good vigour, High yielding, Suitable for rainy & mid winter, very tender


    Bush habit14?15 short branches, radially formedOvate leafletsLight green stem &foliageWhite flowerSeed color light brownThick pencil type bright light green pods, well filled with seed.

  • SUDHA-199

    Plant Structure, Determinate, Bushy type plant with dense Foliage, Dark Green Leaves. Days to First picking 40-45 days after sowing. Colour attractive fresh green colour. Pod Length 10-12 cm. Shiny Pod

  • TARUN-099

    An all season bushy variety with tender green fruits as vegetable. Fruits 3-4 cm in girth and 15-18 cm long juicy, with excellent cooking quality and flavor. Plants grow to a height of 60-70 cm, spikes with 7-9 fruits per spike, Crop yields for a period of 180- 200 days.

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