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Showing 46–54 of 104 results


    Plant strong vigorous plant. 60-65 days with uniform maturity. Colour Attractive dark red. Root shape perfect globe. Bulb Weight 180-200gm.

  • F1 ROMAN

    Colour Dark green colour, Shape Spindle-shaped Sowing season Kharif & summer. Sowing method Dibbling, Sowing spacing R-R : 6-8 ft ; P-P : 1 ft. High yielding hybrid, Good for long distance transport. Plant Habit high vigor with dense plant habit.

  • F1 SANVI

    Green colour with cylindrical shape, fruit length 18-20 cm, AFW 180-200 gm, 1st picking 35-40 days fater sowing, High yield.


    Vigorous with sturdy vine, 50-55 days after sowing. Attractive mottled rind and good glossy, length 10.5- 11 cm. diameter 18.5-19.5cm, Weight 1.25-1.8kg, flat round, attractive orange firm flesh & small seed cavity


    Plant habit vigorous growth with Tall and Bushy plants. Maturity 50-52 days after transplanting. Size 11-13 cm Length 12 cm girth having 4 Lobes. Colour dark green with thick and glossy wall, wt 172-180 gm.


    Furit vigorous vines with dark green foliage. Long, 44 cm, slender, straight, medium green with weight of 320 gms. This is a very early prolific bearer. The harvesting of fruits starts in about 55 days sowing.

  • F1 SHRUTHI-19

    Plant Vigorous & sturdy growing vine. First Picking 42 ? 45 days. Attractive white long slender Fruit Shape, Slender, Length 52 ? 60cm. Weight 350?380gm (Average) flesh is tender and tasty Profuse fruit bearing with uniform fruits High yield potential

  • F1 SNEHA-08

    Vigorous plants with predominantly female flowers. Fruit are ready for 1 st harvest after 62 days of planting. Fruits are short spindle in shape with white shoulder and base. Uniform white in color with acute blossom end. Dimensions of 28-30cm length & 5-6cm diameter weighs approximately 300 gms

  • F1 STAR-39

    Plant type Medium short, maturity 65-70 days, colour Dark green, shape high dome, head density Soli, Holding ability Medium. Sowing time August to November.

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