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Showing 91–99 of 104 results


    Dark Green broad leaves, Very testy, upright growth, Multi cut (4-6), High yielded, Good aroma.


    Fruit shape flattish round. Wt 80-100 gm. Maturity 135-140 days after sowing. Less pungent. Bulb colour milky white. Good keeping quality & good holding capacity.

  • RNSM-1

    Uniform fruit size and shape. RED coloured fruit at maturity. Globular fruit shape with soft texture. Vigorous plant with dense foliage. Fruit weight 250- 350 gm. High bearing.


    Plant Vigour strong vigorous plant. Maturity uniform and 55-60 days. Root colour attractive dark red. Root shape perfect round. Avg. bulb weight 150-200 gm. Uniform bulb shape & size.


    Pole type, Indeterminate plant, Pod green, Thin fleshy, Pod length 50-55 cm, Good vigour, High yielding, Suitable for rainy & mid winter, very tender


    Bush habit14?15 short branches, radially formedOvate leafletsLight green stem &foliageWhite flowerSeed color light brownThick pencil type bright light green pods, well filled with seed.

  • SUDHA-199

    Plant Structure, Determinate, Bushy type plant with dense Foliage, Dark Green Leaves. Days to First picking 40-45 days after sowing. Colour attractive fresh green colour. Pod Length 10-12 cm. Shiny Pod

  • TARUN-099

    An all season bushy variety with tender green fruits as vegetable. Fruits 3-4 cm in girth and 15-18 cm long juicy, with excellent cooking quality and flavor. Plants grow to a height of 60-70 cm, spikes with 7-9 fruits per spike, Crop yields for a period of 180- 200 days.

  • TRUEGEN – 99

    Medium tall plant, fruit length 12-14 cm with 5 ridged fruit, Medium tall, short Inter-nodes distance, 1st picking 45-50 days, YVMV tolerant.

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