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Showing 1–9 of 104 results


    Green colour grain with pod, Very testy & sweet, Maturity 70-80 days, Straight long pod with 9-10 grains, Good keeping quality, Suitable for winter season.


    Lustrous dark green, tender, broad leaves wonderful aroma, Tolerant to high temperature (40 Co), Evergreen Aroma high Fragrance Leaf size Broad Leaf colour Dark green, Tenderness: Highly tender No. of cuttings multiple cutting (4-6) Heat Tolerance 400C


    It is good colour, late seed Maturity, high tenderness with high yielding. It is vigorous plant growth with continuous fruiting. It is fruits are bottle shape with uniform attractive green colour, length 60-65 cm, wt.1000-1200 gm harvesting 50-55 days after sowing.

  • F1 ANANDI-592

    Desi type, Acidic, Semi-Indeterminate, Round oblate, Green shoulder, AFW 90-100 gm, Excellent tolerant to TYLCV Maturity 60-65 days after transplanting, High yielding & high firm

  • F1 ARORA

    Semi-erect and Strong plant structure. Suitable for fresh & Dry purposes. Fresh fruit starting from 45-50 DAT in Kharif season. Fresh green picking interval 8-10 days. Length * Thickness: 9-10*1 cm. Green and deep red. High Pungency

  • F1 BAAHU

    Habit Vigorous with heavy bearing. Disease resistance. Crop Duration 65-70 Days, wt. of fruit Up to 5-6 Kg. Nature of flesh Pure Deep Red Sugar content (TSS) 15-16.7% Shape of fruit Oval. Colour Pure Dark Black & Shiny


    Fruit Length 40-45 cm, fruit shape long and cylindrical, colour attractive dark green colour with blotched rind pattern on fruit surface. Harvest 50-55 days after sowing, high yield and Uniform size fruits.

  • F1 BHUVI

    Attractive dark green slender fruits with 5 ridges. Excellent fruit quality. High yield. Tall Plant habit. Suitable for long distance transportation. Wt 15g, Average fruit length 17-18 cm. Tolerance YVMV & ELCV.


    Purple-black chu-chu with Green calyx, Round oval fruit, AFW 50-60 gm, 3-4 fruit / cluster, Thorn less, First picking 70-75 days, High yielding Hybrid.

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